Relax and Breathe

Relax and Breathe is your complete breathing course with simple and effective techniques for pregnancy, birth and when your baby is here.

Through regular practice you will have skills to deal with pain & discomfort or feelings of anxiety, stress or panic. By bringing this into your day, just for a few minutes, you can make some time for you and boost your general wellbeing.

There isn’t anything complicated about developing your relax and breathe skills. It’s just about slowing your breathing, letting it be your focus and letting go of tension. But practice is crucial, so you can become familiar with relaxing your breathing and your body and to find what works for you.

Knowing how to use your breathing, means you can…

  • relax & de-stress
  • head off any panic
  • work with your contractions
  • manage your energy in labour
  • manage any aches and discomfort
  • be calm if you feel overwhelmed
  • stay calm if your birth plan changes

And you will benefit from:

  • a calm, knowledgeable approach
  • working with an experienced practitioner
  • practical resources and downloads
  • proven practical skills

Relax & Breathe also provides an opportunity for birth partners to know how to stay calm and to provide effective support.

A simple introduction to using online Relax and Breathe

  • Sit comfortably, where you won’t be disturbed and give yourself a few minutes to focus on your breathing.
  • The key to learning Relax & Breathe is to make time for it, to practise it and to develop it so it works for you.
And you can use this if you are feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

“I found the breathing really helpful in labour. I trusted my body and focusing on my breathing kept me calm, focused and in control.”

“You helped me breathe my small one into the world…and through every day since.”

“I don’t think I could have got through it as well without knowing how to use and focus on my breathing.”

“What a difference it made! I was really worried about my anxiety taking over but I kept it under control and I used it throughout my labour.”

The Online Relax & Breathe Course is made up of three guides to focus on your pregnancy and birth preparation, to use during your labour and birth and to use when your baby is here.

You can use all three guides to gain knowledge, to make notes and write your strategies for labour and birth. You can download the information and audio files to use during your pregnancy, throughout labour and during those early days and weeks with your new baby.

Relax & Breathe for Pregnancy & Birth Preparation
Relax & Breathe For Labour & Birth
Relax & Breathe For New Parents

Relax & Breathe Downloads

Access to this Relax & Breathe course is included in the Birth & Baby Community or you can buy it here.

Simple relaxation & breathing skills can be vital for focus and calm, to ease discomfort and pain, to boost energy levels and to manage anxiety or panic. 

I developed Relax & Breathe in 2009 after using breathing techniques to manage anxiety and panic and reflecting on my work with expectant and birthing parents.

I wanted to create something uncomplicated which is why Relax & Breathe is simple and easy to use. It’s about bringing it into your day for a few minutes, so it becomes familiar and tailored to you.

Working with parents since 2002

My face-to-face sessions are ideal for parents across Newcastle & Tyneside. With video sessions, I work with parents everywhere.
How can I help you?

With 1:1 sessions, an online learning space and Mother Cuppa, my practice is here for you every step of the way. You can also sign-up for exclusive content, discussion and a place to ask questions.

You can also follow me on Instagram for more birth & baby conversations

Copyright: Janine Smith